Stakeholder Engagement and Third Party Opinion

The Nisshinbo Group believes that only by listening to customers, stockholders, employees, and the other stakeholders involved with the Group as stipulated in VALUE and gaining their understanding and trust will the Group be able to achieve sustainable growth and enhance its corporate value over the medium to long term. The Group takes a variety of opportunities to deepen communication with all stakeholders and works to resolve issues.

The Nisshinbo Holdings’ Basic Policy on Communication with stakeholders is stipulated in "Nisshinbo Corporate Governance Policy" III-1-(1).

Stakeholder Engagement Initiatives

Stakeholder Engagement Initiatives

Third-Party Opinion

Continuing to meet the expectations and needs of the Nisshinbo Group's stakeholders, the Group received feedback from outside experts regarding their assessment of the Nisshinbo Group's sustainability efforts, as well as their expectations and requests of the Group.

Takeshi Shimotaya
Managing Director, Sustainavision Ltd.

I hereby express my opinion as a third party about the Nisshinbo Group's sustainability initiatives based on the information provided in the Nisshinbo Group Sustainability website.

The Nisshinbo Group is strengthening its efforts to spread sustainability management throughout the Group, especially in 2023. The Group's corporate philosophy is based on the importance of all Group employees understanding the meaning of sustainability, how to apply it to the management of the company, and to align their understanding and vectors under the Group's corporate philosophy, which is based on sustainability and looks to the future.

The Nisshinbo Group has been steadily promoting initiatives to solve these environmental and social issues and to build a foundation for promotion of the initiatives, as well as has set up a well-balanced materiality of these activities as the contribution to the environment and energy field, creation of a safe and secure society, and global compliance. The implementation of the global survey, which serves as a foundation for these activities and deepens the engagement of employees, who are the most important stakeholders, is also worthy of commendation.

In the environmental area, the Company completed the TCFD climate change scenario analysis, which is the basis for climate change countermeasures, with a view to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 and has achieved the FY2024 target for reduction of the GHGs by promoting renewable energy ahead of schedule, and the achievement of the FY2024 target for water consumption reduction ahead of schedule all indicate that NIsshinbo activities are on track. As for biodiversity conservation, the nature positive initiatives and information disclosure based on the TNFD will be required, and I believe that further preparation will be necessary to implement this throughout the Group.

In terms of social relations, in 2023, the Group entered a new phase of determining a human rights policy and conducting human rights due diligence throughout the Group. Here, too, education is provided to promote an understanding of basic business and human rights, and the identification of risks of human rights violations in the supply chain is very important in promoting respect for human rights as a Group. I believe that it is necessary to then proceed to consider the establishment of a grievance mechanism for redress in all Groups.

I hope that the Nisshinbo Group will continue to promote further sustainability management while engaging with the important stakeholders surrounding the Company.

Takeshi Shimotaya

Takeshi Shimotaya Managing Director, Sustainavision Ltd.
Joined a major heavy industry manufacturer in 1991 and was responsible for human resources, general affairs, recruitment, training, payroll, labor negotiations, occupational health and safety, etc. in the plant management department. After setting up a new business in the environmental sector (new energy and R.P.F. manufacturing), moved to the UK in 2007.
Holds a Master of Environmental Science from the University of East Anglia, UK, and an MBA from Lancaster University, UK.
In 2010, he established Sustainavision Ltd. in the UK to serve as a sustainability bridge between Japan and Europe.
Based in London, Sustainavision Ltd. provides sustainability consultancy, training, seminars and related research to Japanese companies.
President, Japan Sustainable Restaurant Association
Founder, The Global Alliance for Sustainable Supply Chain