The Nisshinbo Group promotes group-wide sustainability activities under the direction of the Board of Management, which is responsible for business execution functions under the Corporate Governance Systems, centered on the Sustainability Development Department of the Corporate Strategy Center of Nisshinbo Holdings Inc. Each department reports management reviews and issues to the Board of Management.
To promote group-wide efforts, the Nisshinbo Group established the Group Sustainability Promotion Council, which is headed by the Director and the Chief of the Corporate Strategy Center and includes Sustainability Promotion Managers and other members from each business group. In addition to formulating policies, key action items, and KPIs, the Council regularly shares information on the status of implementation and issues. Specific activities are carried out mainly by individual expert committee.
Sustainability Promotion Structure
【The Board of Management】
The Board of Management, which is composed of Directors, Audit & Supervisory Board member, Managing officer, deliberates on important matters related to the execution of the Group's business. In principle, the Board of Management is held once a month.