Editing Policy

The Nisshinbo Group discloses its sustainability promotion activities on its website to report them to a broad range of stakeholders.

1. Period Covered

In principle, centers on FY2023 (January 1, 2023–December 31, 2023).

2. Scope

The Company and its 85 consolidated subsidiaries as of the end of FY2023, for a total of 86 companies.

* Because of the transfer of all shares of TMD FRICTION GROUP S.A. (TMD), a subsidiary in the Automobile Brakes business, on November 30, 2023, and for other factors, TMD and 21 other companies were excluded from the scope of consolidation. Environmental data for TMD and 21 other companies are available through November 2023, while social data are not available for FY2023.

* On December 27, 2023, HVJ Holdings, Inc. and its subsidiary Hitachi Kokusai Electric Inc. and 7 other companies were included in the scope of consolidation, but are not included in the data for FY2023.
Ltd. on December 27, 2024, but is referred to in the text as Hitachi Kokusai Electric Inc. as it was at the time the data was compiled.

3. Guidelines Used for Reference

  • ・Environmental Reporting Guidelines 2018, Japan’s Ministry of the Environment
  • ・Environmental Accounting Guidelines 2005, Japan's Ministry of the Environment
  • ・Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) Recommended Disclosures
  • ・Global Reporting Initiative “GRI standard”
  • ・ISO26000

Environmental Disclosure

The Nisshinbo Group discloses information in the Integrated Report and on its website in order to satisfy the disclosure requirements of the Environmental Reporting Guidelines (2018 edition) published by the Ministry of the Environment on June 29, 2018.

Items to be reported according to Environmental Reporting Guidelines 2018

(1) Top management’s commitments
(2) Governance
(3) Stakeholder engagement
(4) Risk management
(5) Business model
(6) Value chain management
(7) Long-term vision
(8) Strategy
(9) Methodology fort identifying material environmental issues
(10) The entity’s material environmental issues
Management orientation Soundness of the organizational structure Environmental performance information