
The corporate philosophy of the Nisshinbo Group is "Change and Challenge! For the creation of the future of Earth and People." Since its inception, the Group has passed down through the generations its basic belief as a public entity that contributing to society is companies’ reason for being, and that contribution is the engine that drives their growth.

In February 2015, the Nisshinbo Group identified material issues for the Group in order to clarify issues that required action to achieve sustainable growth for the Nisshinbo Group’s business together with society.

Materiality for the Nisshinbo Group

  • Contribution to the environmental and energy field
  • Creation of a safe and secure society
  • Global compliance

Process of Determining Materiality

After organizing social issues based on the global guidelines and the different opinions of internal and external stakeholders, the Nisshinbo Group evaluated the relevance of the issues to the Nisshinbo Group's business and identified the social issues to consider. The issues were then prioritized from two perspectives: importance to stakeholders and importance to the Nisshinbo Group. From among these issues, the three items listed above were approved as the materiality at the Board of Management chaired by the president of the Nisshinbo Group.

1. Identify social issues for consideration

First we identified social issues, referring to ISO 26000, the fourth edition of the GRI Guidelines, the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact and other social norms. We then evaluated their relationship to the Group’s businesses and identified 22 social issues for consideration.

2. Prioritize social issues

During the Nisshinbo Group’s Sustainability Promotion Conference, the Group prioritized the social issues the Group had identified from the perspective of its importance to stakeholders and its importance to the Nisshinbo Group, coming up with a draft proposal.

3. Deliberate and approve at the Board of Management

The Board of Management, chaired by the president of Nisshinbo Holdings Inc. and comprising all managing officers, deliberated the issues’ materiality. After considering the importance of these social issues and their relationship to the Group’s businesses, we determined the three material issues indicated above.

Contributing to SDGs

The Nisshinbo Group will contribute to the achievement of the SDGs, whose aims dovetail with its intended direction, in all processes in the value chain. The Group identifies and pursues the core goals that the Nisshinbo Group believes will directly contribute to the achievement of the SDGs in all of its corporate activities and in all of its business strategies, including its three strategic business domains (Mobility, Infrastructure & Safety, and Life & Healthcare), and works to achieve these goals.

Core SDG goals that contributed by all corporate activities

Procurement of raw materials

  • Promotion of LCA activities to reduce emissions of chemical substances and waste and to develop products that contribute to a sustainable society
  • Promotion of activities for chemical substance management
  • Formulation of Sustainable Procurement Guidelines and disseminate to suppliers. Furthermore, we use supplier questionnaires.
  • Formulation of Anti-Corruption Guide and using it for anti-bribery measures, including at the Group’s overseas companies.


  • Development of zero-emission (recycling rate of 99% or more) activities
  • Waste reduction activities with the goal of achieving a 95% recycling rate
  • Conducting water risk assessments for business sites and major supply chains. In addition, conducting water consumption surveys and management.
  • Respect diversity in all aspects, including human rights and employment, and promote work-family life balance.
  • Health and Safety Activities
  • Promotion of health management through the Group Health Management Division Meeting
  • Active participation by employees in environmental contribution activities and environmental beautification activities


  • Promotion of efficient use of natural resources such as fuel by reducing transportation volume


  • Increasing the ratio of products that contribute to a sustainable society
  • Promotion of reuse of packaging materials and reduction of usage
  • Planned measures to achieve continuous promotion of measures to improve customer satisfaction
  • Operation of corporate ethics reporting system, early detection of legal violations, correction and prevention of recurrence
Core SDG goals contributed by business strategies, including strategic business field
Mobility Infrastructure & Safety Life & Healthcare
Core SDG goals that contributed by all corporate activities

Procurement of raw materials

  • Promotion of LCA activities to reduce emissions of chemical substances and waste and to develop products that contribute to a sustainable society
  • Promotion of activities for chemical substance management


  • Formulation of Sustainable Procurement Guidelines and disseminate to suppliers. Furthermore, we use supplier questionnaires.


  • Formulation of Anti-Corruption Guide and using it for anti-bribery measures, including at the Group’s overseas companies



  • Development of zero-emission (recycling rate of 99% or more) activities
  • Waste reduction activities with the goal of achieving a 95% recycling rate
  • Conducting water risk assessments for business sites and major supply chains. In addition, conducting water consumption surveys and management.


  • Respect diversity in all aspects, including human rights and employment, and promote work-family life balance.
  • Health and Safety Activities
  • Promotion of health management through the Group Health Management Division Meeting
  • Active participation by employees in environmental contribution activities and environmental beautification activities



  • Promotion of efficient use of natural resources such as fuel by reducing transportation volume



  • Increasing the ratio of products that contribute to a sustainable society
  • Promotion of reuse of packaging materials and reduction of usage.


  • Planned measures to achieve continuous promotion of measures to improve customer satisfaction


  • Operation of corporate ethics reporting system, early detection of legal violations, correction and prevention of recurrence
Core SDG goals contributed by business strategies, including strategic business fields


Infrastructure & Safety

Life & Healthcare