Commitment to Initiatives

In striving to achieve sustainability, the Nisshinbo Group is committed to the following initiatives in Japan and overseas.

Global Initiatives

Support to The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD)

Nisshinbo Holdings Inc.

The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) established by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) recommends that companies identify and disclose the financial impacts of the risks and opportunities posed by climate change. Nisshinbo Holdings Inc. expresses its support for the TCFD's recommendations and discloses the financial impacts based on the Framework.

Support to The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD)

Endorsement of the Better Cotton Initiative (BCI)

Nisshinbo Textile Inc.

PT. Nikawa Textile Industry in Indonesia and Nisshinbo Do Brasil Industria Textil LTDA. in Brazil have endorsed the Better Cotton Initiative (BCI).

BCI is an international NGO that works to solve problems faced by cotton farmers, such as improving the massive consumption of water, improving the global environmental burden caused by excessive pesticide application, and improving producer rights. Farmers, spinners, suppliers, retailers, and civic organizations have endorsed BCI as stakeholders. The Nisshinbo Group company is contributing to sustainable cotton production by actively purchasing raw cotton from BCI member farmers and selling to BCI member apparel companies.

Japan Initiatives

Endorsement to the Federation of Keidanren's Declaration of Biodiversity and Guidelines for Action (Revised)

Nisshinbo Group

The Nisshinbo Group has endorsed the Declaration of Biodiversity by Keidanren (revised edition). Please refer to the URL below for details of the Keidanren Declaration of Biodiversity and Revised Action Guidelines.別ウィンドウ表示

Participating in the Japan Business and Biodiversity Partnership

Nisshinbo Holdings Inc. participates in the Japan Business and Biodiversity Partnership, a group that engages in activities to conserve biodiversity. The Partnership is composed of economic organizations, businesses, NGOs, and local governments.

The Company’s activities to conserve biodiversity began in fiscal 2015, and activities continue at 15 sites in Japan. We are also developing biodiversity conservation Activities at 5 sites abroad.

The Japan Business and Biodiversity Partnership

Endorsement of the Keidanren Declaration on Biodiversity and Action Guidelines (Revised Version)

The Nisshinbo Group has endorsed the Declaration of Biodiversity by Keidanren (revised edition).

Please refer to the URL below for details of the Keidanren Declaration of Biodiversity and Revised Action Guidelines.別ウィンドウ表示

In 2018, Keidanren revised this declaration and action guidelines in response to major trends both at home and abroad, such as SDGs and the Post-Aichi Targets*. The revised declaration aims to "realize a sustainable society through the construction of a society in harmony with nature."

In addition, Keidanren released the Keidanren Declaration of Biodiversity Initiative. This report contains the names of 273 companies and organizations (logo marks) that expressed their endorsement with the revised declaration and action guidelines and also introduces our Group.

Regarding the Keidanren Declaration of Biodiversity Initiative, please refer to the URL below.別ウィンドウ表示

In 2009, the Nisshinbo Group endorsed the Keidanren Declaration of Biodiversity and Action Guidelines, established by the Keidanren, and after conducting surveys and educational programs, launched the Biodiversity Conservation Activities in 2015, expanding the scope of our Activities.

* Post-Aichi Biodiversity Targets: Global Biodiversity Targets for 2020 and beyond

Keidanren Declaration of Biodiversity Initiative

Participation in Keidanren's Challenge Zero

The Nisshinbo Group participates Challenge Zero (Challengenet Zero Carbon Innovation), a project led by the Federation of the Japanese Economic Organization (hereinafter referred to as the "Keidanren"), participates.

Challenge Zero is a new initiative in which the Keidanren, in cooperation with the Japanese government, strongly promotes and publicizes innovative action by companies and organizations in Japan and overseas that are tackling the challenge of realizing a "decarbonizing society." This initiative positions the aims of the International Framework for Climate Change Control, known as the Paris Agreement, as a long-term goal.

In light of the goal of Challenge Zero, Nisshinbo Holdings Inc. will promote the creation of innovation in order to reduce greenhouse gases and contribute to the realization of a carbon-free society through its business activities.

Please refer to the following URL for the official Keidanren "Challenge Zero" website.別ウィンドウ表示

View case studies of the Group's efforts to realize a decarbonizing society is presented.

Challenge Zero
Challenge Zero

General business owner action plan based on the law for the promotion of women's activity

Nisshinbo Holdings Inc., Japan Radio Co., Ltd., JRC Tokki Co., Ltd., JRC Engineering Co., Ltd., Japan Radio Glass Co., Ltd., JRC System Service Co., Ltd., Nagano Japan Radio Co., Ltd., Nagano Japan Radio Manufacturing Co., Ltd., NJ Components Co., Ltd., Ueda Japan Radio Co., Ltd., Nisshinbo Micro Devices Inc., Nisshinbo Micro Devices AT Co., Ltd., Nisshinbo Micro Devices Fukuoka Co., Ltd., Nisshinbo Brake Inc., Nisshinbo Mechatronics Inc., Nanbu Plastics Co., Ltd., Kyushu Nanbu Plastics Co., Ltd., Nisshinbo Chemical Inc., Nisshinbo Textile Inc., Tokyo Shirts Co., Ltd., NISSHINTOA IWAO INC.

Nisshinbo Holdings Inc. has formulated a general business owner action plan based on the Law for the Promotion of Women's Activities, and each company has set specific targets and achievement periods, mainly for the number of women in management positions and the ratio of female employees. Similar initiatives are being implemented at Group companies (listed above) in Japan other than the Company.

Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children-General Action Plan

Nisshinbo Holdings Inc., Japan Radio Co., Ltd., Japan Radio Glass Co., Ltd., Nagano Japan Radio Co., Ltd., Ueda Japan Radio Co., Ltd., JRC Tokki Co., Ltd., JRC Engineering Co., Ltd., JRC System Services Co., Ltd., JRC Logistics Service Co., Ltd., Nagano Japan Radio Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Nagano Communications Sales Co., Ltd., NJ Components Co., Ltd., Asashina Nichimu Co., Ltd., Nisshinbo Micro Devices Inc., Nisshinbo Micro Devices AT Co., Ltd., Nisshinbo Micro Devices Fukuoka Co., Ltd., Nisshinbo Brake Inc., Nisshinbo Mechatronics Inc., Nanbu Plastics Co., Ltd., Kyushu Nanbu Plastics Co., Ltd., Nisshinbo Chemical Inc., Nisshinbo Textile Inc., Tokyo Shirts Co., Ltd., NISSHINTOA IWAO INC.

To maintain an environment in which employees can display their abilities as well as balance their work and private lives, Nisshinbo Holdings Inc. and the Group’s other companies (the above) in Japan are formulating their next general action plans in accordance with the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children.

Declaration to Build Partnerships

Nisshinbo Holdings Inc., Nisshinbo Micro Devices Inc.

The "Declaration to Build Partnerships" mechanism was established in May 2020 at the "Council for Promoting Partnership Building for the Future," whose members include relevant cabinet ministers (Cabinet Office, METI, MHLW, MAFF, MLIT, and Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary), Keidanren Chairman, NCCI President, and RENGO Chairman. This "Declaration of Partnership Building" is a declaration of efforts for cooperation, coexistence and co-prosperity with suppliers in the supply chain, and compliance with desirable business practices between parent companies and subcontractors (the "Promotion Standards" based on the Law for the Promotion of Small and Medium-sized Subcontractors): prevention of "wrinkling of trade terms and conditions." The Group declared in 2020 and is promoting cooperation with suppliers.

Declaration to Build Partnerships

Assisting Workers in Balancing Work and Nursing Care

Nisshinbo Holdings Inc., Japan Radio Co., Ltd., JRC Tokki Co., Ltd., Nagano Japan Radio Co., Ltd., Nagano Japan Radio Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Ueda Japan Radio Co., Ltd., Nisshinbo Brake Inc., Nisshinbo Mechatronics Inc., Nisshinbo Chemical Inc., Nisshinbo Textile Inc.

Nisshinbo Holdings Inc. and other group companies are promoting initiatives to support the balancing of work and nursing care, and the above 10 companies disclose their efforts in the "Support for Balancing Work and Nursing Care" section.

Assisting Workers in Balancing Work and Nursing Care