Basic Concept
The Nisshinbo Group's Business Conduct Guidelines are a set of specific guidelines for behavior that all employees must observe. The first item in the Action Guidelines is "Respect for Human Rights." Furthermore, the Group takes seriously its responsibility to protect human rights as a corporation and thus established the Nisshinbo Group Human Rights Statement, which expresses the desire to respect human rights in words as the Group's management stance.
Nisshinbo Group defines human rights as "the rights of people to live fulfilling lives based on their own diverse choices." The Group believes that companies have a responsibility to ensure that people have the opportunity to make choices to achieve the happiness they desire. By providing products, technologies, and services that protect people's safe and secure living environment, the Group aims to realize the well-being of society in which people, including Nisshinbo Group, and especially children who will live in the future, can lead happy and fulfilling lives.
Promotion System
The Nisshinbo Group is engaged in activities aimed at realizing a society in which human rights are respected under the leadership of the Human Rights Group of the Sustainability Development Department of the Corporate Strategy Center, under a promotion structure in which the director and the chief of the Corporate Strategy Center of Nisshinbo Holdings Inc. serves as chairman of the Sustainability Development Department.
To achieve the "Promoting human rights awareness-raising activities" and "Promoting business and human rights activities" in the Sustainability Promotion Plan, the Group manages targets and Key performance indicators (KPIs) and implements measures to achieve them.
Specific Initiatives of the Nisshinbo Group
In the "Fifth Sustainability Promotion Plan," respect human rights is a key action items, and the following two items were set as targets.
- ① (In Japan) Rate of implementation of Group Human Rights Training, 100% (In overseas) Implementation of human rights awareness-raising activities
- ② Develop human rights policy, introduce and promote Human Rights Due Diligence in fields with high human rights risks
In FY2024, as part of human rights due diligence efforts, the Nisshinbo Group is steadily developing human rights-related systems and relief systems at domestic and overseas group companies and revising the Sustainability Procurement Guidelines based on respect for human rights. The Nisshinbo Group is providing awareness-raising training on human rights issues that raised concerns in a survey conducted in FY2023. Nisshinbo Group is appropriately monitoring the development of the system and engaging in human rights due diligence activities based on a steady PDCA cycle.
In FY2023, in accordance with the Fifth Sustainability Promotion Plan, the Group conducted a survey of 81 domestic and overseas companies as part of its human rights policy formulation and human rights due diligence activities. As a KPI, Nisshinbo Group set a target of 100% implementation rate for the Group human rights training (themes by fiscal year) and promoted activities to achieve the target.
Conduct Human Rights Due Diligence
In order to fulfill the "corporate responsibility to respect human rights" required by the "Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights" adopted by the United Nations, the Nisshinbo Group established a human rights policy for 2023 and is promoting human rights due diligence initiatives.
In order to understand the current status of the institutional aspects that form the basis for implementing human rights due diligence at each Group company and to link this to corrective measures, the Group conducted the Human Rights Due Diligence Questionnaire: Basic 2023 survey of 81 companies in Japan and overseas to determine basic responses, including institutional development and operation, awareness-raising, and the appropriate measures regarding human rights issues. Basic 2023 was developed (100% response rate). This survey also examines the actual status of each company's initiatives and responses by identifying issues that may lead to human rights risks and examining future initiatives.
Compliance with Human Rights Laws and Regulations
Based on the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the Nisshinbo Group will appropriately comply with human rights-related laws and regulations of each country, including the UK Slavery Act, in the countries and regions where the Group companies in Japan and overseas and suppliers conduct business. Specifically, the Group will promote internal awareness and understanding of laws and regulations in the countries and regions where the Group companies in Japan and overseas and suppliers do business and will promote appropriate human rights due diligence initiatives.
Human Rights Awareness Initiatives
In FY2024, Nisshinbo Group will continue to conduct Group Human Rights Training for all Nisshinbo Group companies to deepen the understanding of the Group Human Rights Policy, which is the foundation of the human rights. By focusing on the identification and correction of human rights risks at each company as part of human rights due diligence, the Group will aim to be a company that contribute to the realization of a society that respects human rights with each and every employee having the will to fulfill the corporate responsibility to realize a society in which human rights are respected.
In FY2023, as part of the Group's human rights training, a video message from the president was distributed to employees to inform them of and help them understand the formulation of the Group Human Rights Policy, as well as the background, thoughts, and goals behind the formulation of the human rights policy. In addition, Nisshinbo Group provided human rights training not only for new employees but also for career employees throughout the year to deepen their understanding of respect for human rights as the common will of the Group.
Slogan for Human Rights Awareness
The Nisshinbo Group invites employees of all group companies in Japan and overseas and their families to submit human rights awareness slogans in honor of Human Rights Week in December of each year, and the Group awards prizes for the best works. The Nisshinbo Group also receives human rights messages spelled out in various languages from overseas group companies.
In FY2023, a total of 4,297 entries were received for the human rights awareness slogan contest, including 4,177 from group employees in Japan and overseas and 102 from their families. Of those, approximately 800 were submitted by overseas group companies. After that, rigorous screening was conducted by the Sustainability Development Department of Nisshinbo Holdings Inc. As a result, there were 15 awards, including the Global Special Award. In addition, a Human Rights DD Special Award was held this year, and one outstanding work was selected from among the entries on the theme of business and human rights.
Prevention of Harassment
To prevent harassment, the Nisshinbo Group sets up "Harassment Consultation Counters" at the group companies in Japan and established a system in which multiple contact persons are assigned to provide consultations to employees. The contact person will be appointed by a human resource with the appropriate conditions to handle the consultation at each office. When a new contact person is appointed, the person undergoes the "Training for New Contact Persons for the Harassment Consultation Desk" to acquire the skills to handle consultations. By having all staff in charge take this course across the entire Nisshinbo Group, the Group is working to standardize the consultation skills of all staff in charge. In order to make consultation response more effective, we also offer training mainly through role-playing as a follow-up.
Since 2017, the Nisshinbo Group has provided anger management training for employees of all Group companies in Japan with the aim of preventing power harassment through appropriate emotional control and the promotion of good communication within the workplace. The training consists of two stages: basic training to learn the basics of anger management to better control one's anger, and scolding training for managers to learn how to scold effectively to promote the growth of subordinates. The Group aims to expand the scope of the course to all employees each year.
Participants have given positive feedback, such as "I learned that I can control my anger, and I feel that I can connect this to appropriate communication," and "The content is useful not only at work but also in my daily life in general, and I feel more relaxed by practicing it." Nisshinbo Group aims to expand the scope of the program to include all employees in the future.
Specific Activities of the Group Companies
Initiatives to Prohibit Discrimination and Respect Human Rights
Nisshinbo Automotive Manufacturing Inc. in the United States conducts annual training for all employees on diversity and inclusion, discrimination, and harassment. The company has a nondiscrimination policy and employment application guidelines that are regularly updated to ensure respect for individuals.
The company has a system in place for employees to discuss concerns that arise among supervisors, subordinates, or fellow employees in the workplace with their immediate supervisor or manager and the Human Resources Department. In this way, the company strives to ensure that each employee respects each other's human rights and dignity.
The company strives to ensure mutual respect among employees and to protect human rights.
Compliance Training by Legal Counsel
At JRC Tokki Co., Ltd. all employees took a training course titled "Power Harassment" over a two-month period from December 2023 to the end of January 2024 as part of regular compliance training provided by the company's legal counsel.
The training was conducted in the form of a training video based on an explanation by the company's legal counsel. The content of the training began with a definition of power harassment, followed by the six types of power harassment, compliance reporting, case studies (court cases), and finally, the elimination of power harassment.
The Power Harassment Prevention Law in Japan went into effect in June 2020. Large companies are required to implement the following measures by June 2020 and small and midsize companies by April 2022. ① clarify employers' policies and raise awareness, ② establish a system necessary to provide consultation and respond appropriately, and ③ take prompt and appropriate action after the fact regarding power harassment in the workplace. The company has once again informed its employees and suppliers of the policy, internal rules, and contact points.
Harassment Prevention Education
Japan Radio Glass Co., Ltd. has continued to provide harassment prevention education every year since 2020, when a power harassment case occurred.
Based on the results of the post-education questionnaire in FY2022, education on the difference between harassment and guidance was provided 17 times from June to September in FY2023, and all employees, including temporary employees, took the course.
Seven or eight employees participated in each session. After viewing animations and videos, each employee made a
decision on whether a case constituted harassment or guidance and gave a presentation. At the end of the session,
the instructor gave a summary of the important factors in making a judgment.
In the questionnaire, more than half participants answered that their understanding of harassment was low or somewhat low before the course, but this number decreased to several people after the course. The company believes that the use of animations and videos made the training easier to understand.
Harassment Training for Management-Level Employees
Nisshinbo Micro Devices Inc. conducted harassment training for managers by in-house instructors with the aim of creating a good workplace where employees can work with vitality and enthusiasm by strengthening and promoting the creation of a workplace culture that does not cause harassment.
Under top management's message that harassment will never be tolerated, the training included knowledge study, case videos and explanations, and pair work, where all managers learned the main points of how to respond without engaging in power harassment and white management based on appropriate knowledge and understanding.
Nisshinbo Micro Devices created in-house video training programs with the same content as the group training conducted at the four main business sites, and deployed the training to overseas business sites, Nisshinbo Micro Devices AT Co., Ltd. and Nisshinbo Micro Devices Fukuoka Co., Ltd. by utilizing the Learning Management System. In addition, Nisshinbo Micro Devices disseminated to all employees of the above three companies a summary of the consultation service for harassment and the company's systems.
The Micro Devices business group will continue its efforts to create a harassment-free organization.
Operation of Anti-bullying Systems in the Workplace
Saeron Automotive Corporation of Korea established a new regulation on the prevention of bullying in the workplace and the handling of bullying incidents in order to prevent bullying between supervisors, subordinates, and coworkers in the workplace.
The new regulations clearly state, "Employees shall not take advantage of their position or relationship in the workplace to inflict physical or mental pain on other employees beyond the proper scope of their work duties, nor shall they engage in any behavior that deteriorates the work environment." The company provides information on this rule to all employees twice a year. This rule is communicated not only to internal executives and employees, but also to temporary employees and suppliers. In addition, when the company's Human Resource (HR) team becomes aware of a report or occurrence of bullying in the workplace, it immediately meets with the victim and, based on the victim's wishes, either resolves the issue between the parties or conducts a formal investigation on the company side.
Through the operation of this system, the company ensures that employees respect each other's human rights.
Sexual Harassment Education
In February 2023, Nisshinbo Mechatronics India Pvt. Ltd. in India provided sexual harassment education by an external instructor with the aim of unifying awareness of harassment and creating opportunities to become aware of harassment.
During the training, the following topics were explained to employees:
- ① Conduct that constitutes sexual harassment
- ② The Prevention of Sexual Harassment (POSH) Act, which was enacted to protect employees from workplace harassment and provide a safe work environment
- ③ The workplaces to which the Act applies and the employees who are subject to it
- ④ How to consult or report sexual harassment if you are subject to it, and penalties for false complaints were also explained.
Conducting Sexual Harassment Prevention Training
Nisshinbo Comprehensive Precision Machining (Gurgaon) Pvt. Ltd. in India conducted sexual harassment prevention training in November 2023. The purpose of this training was to promote understanding of laws and regulations and to create a workplace free of sexual harassment.
During the training, the following topics were explained to employees:
- ・Overview of the Prevention of Sexual Harassment (POSH) Act of 2013
- ・Types and forms of sexual harassment
- ・The company's sexual harassment prevention policy
- ・How to report sexual harassment and how to access support.
This training was conducted by an external instructor and a question and answer session provided participants with a better understanding of the importance of sexual harassment and how to prevent it.
Establishment of the President's Hotline Box
In 2014, Excel Tokai Co., Ltd. held a reception with general employees based on the then president's desire to hear the real voices of employees. At that time, the issue became clear: Reporting to the president is filtered by management. As a solution to the issue, the President’s Hotline Box was established as a system to listen to the real voices of employees.
Initially, there were few submissions, but the company implemented a Submission Promotion Campaign to encourage people to actively express their opinions and to help them become established. A free-writing submission form was also set up, and anonymous submissions were also accepted. Submissions are looked over and handled directly by the president. Among the submissions, there were some misunderstandings in them, so the president held a general meeting and explained the situation to all employees because it was impossible to explain directly to the person who posted the message since it was submitted without a name.
Ten years have passed since the box was set up, including the positive impact of the submission system to the Box, the company now has a more open atmosphere, and the foundation has been established in which even general employees are able to talk directly with the president.
Conducted Periodic Audits for SA 8000 Certification
PT. Naigai Shirts Indonesia obtained SA 8000 certification in January 2023 and underwent a SA 8000* periodic audit by Bureau Veritas Certification (BV) in June 2023. In addition, a follow-up review audit was conducted in December 2023, which confirmed that human rights-related initiatives were being implemented.
Periodic audits are conducted twice a year to ensure that the company is continuously meeting SA 8000 standards. The audits cover a wide range of topics, including interviews with employees, work schedules (e.g., overtime hours), and the contents of first-aid kits. The certification period is three years with an audit conducted in the final year for recertification. In response to rising human rights and labor issues, some companies in Europe and the United States require a SA 8000 certification as a condition of doing business, and the importance of this certification is increasing.
* SA 8000 (Social Accountability 8000) is published by Social Accountability International (SAI), a US NGO, and is based on the International Declaration of Human Rights, ILO Conventions, and other international human rights and labor-related national laws, International standard for the exercise of the rights of all employees, and the protection of employees