Basic Concept
The Nisshinbo Group's mission is to contribute to society through business activities, and the Group aims to provide solutions to the challenges facing human society by transforming its corporate culture into one that is open-minded and where the wisdom of a diverse range of people can come together. As a means to achieve this, Nisshinbo Group has positioned diversity and inclusion as a starter for innovation and is promoting activities to foster an organizational climate that recognizes, accepts, and respects differences and allows people to take advantage of each other's strengths.
Promotion System
The Nisshinbo Group established the Diversity Development Department in July 2015 to enable diverse human resources to play an active role and to ensure the Group's sustainable growth. Under a system in which the Director and the Chief of the Corporate Strategy Center of Nisshinbo Holdings, Inc. is in charge, the Group is engaged in activities to promote diversity and inclusion.
Diversity promotion officers were placed in each Group company, where the entire Group works together to create an organizational culture in which diverse human resources can play an active role. To promote diversity in accordance with the Sustainability Promotion Plan, the Group has set targets and Key performance indicators (KPIs) for "Group-wide D&I penetration initiatives," "Securing diverse human resources," and "Promoting diverse human resources," and is taking measures.
Specific Initiatives of The Nisshinbo Group
In the "Fifth Sustainability Promotion Plan," the Nisshinbo Group has made the promotion of diversity and inclusion key action items. The Group is promoting activities while implementing the PDCA cycle with the following targets and KPIs: ① Communicating the top management message and implementing measures that contribute to the success of diverse human resources, ② Ratio of female recruitment to total recruits, ③ Rate of managers hired as mid-career employees to total managers, 11%, ④ Rate of female managers to total managers, 6%* , and ⑤ Rate of training on psychological safety, 100%.
* Seven companies, including Japan Radio Co., Ltd., Nisshinbo Micro Devices Inc., Nisshinbo Brake Inc., Nisshinbo Mechatronics Inc., Nisshinbo Chemical Inc., Nisshinbo Textile Inc., Nisshinbo Holdings Inc., have set a goal of achieving a ratio of 10% or more female managers by FY2030.
Promotion of Women's Activities
In order to close the gender gap, Nisshinbo introduced the Female Leader Development Program in FY2023. Training was held for management candidates and the next generation to further improve their mindsets, examine careers with reference to leadership and role models, and form networks among women.
Training that contributes to women's success
The Group has conducted the following training programs that contribute to women's success. Based on the results of interviews with female employees and their supervisors, a new women's leadership development program was introduced in FY2023.
December 2015 | Lecture for Executives: Lectures were held for Executives to obtain clues on measures to promote women's activities. |
2016-2021 | Training for Managers: Training was conducted for all management-level employees to understand the essential significance of promoting women's activities and to recognize and remove biases they may have. |
2016-2019 | Training for Female Employees: The training is designed to help participants understand the fundamental significance of promoting the advancement of female, and help participants overcome their own biases, in order for them to engage in the type of work they desire. |
2017-2021 | Joint Training for Managers and Female Employees: Training is conducted in which managers and their female employees participate in pairs, and engaging in group discussion and meeting one on one to together create medium-to long-term career plans. |
2023- | Women's Leadership Development Program: Training for candidates for management positions and the next generation to further improve their mindsets, examine careers with reference to leadership and role models, and network with other women. |

General business owner action plan based on the law for the promotion of women's activity
Nisshinbo Holdings Inc. has formulated a general business owner action plan based on the Law for the Promotion of Women's Activities, and each company has set specific targets and achievement periods, mainly for the number of women in management positions and the ratio of female employees.
Similar initiatives are being implemented at 20 Group companies* in Japan other than the Company.
* Japan Radio Co., Ltd., JRC Tokki Co., Ltd., JRC Engineering Co., Ltd., Japan Radio Glass Co., Ltd., JRC System Service Co., Ltd., Nagano Japan Radio Co., Ltd., Nagano Japan Radio Manufacturing Co., Ltd., NJ Components Co., Ltd., Ueda Japan Radio Co., Ltd., Nisshinbo Micro Devices Inc., Nisshinbo Micro Devices AT Co., Ltd., Nisshinbo Micro Devices Fukuoka Co., Ltd., Nisshinbo Brake Inc., Nisshinbo Mechatronics Inc., Nanbu Plastics Co., Ltd., Kyushu Nanbu Plastics Co., Ltd., Nisshinbo Chemical Inc., Nisshinbo Textile Inc., Tokyo Shirts Co., Ltd., NISSHINTOA IWAO INC.
Certified As "Eruboshi" As A Company That Promotes Women's Activities
The "Eruboshi Certification" is a system to certify companies that meet certain requirements based on the Law for the Promotion of Women's Activities, such as formulating and implementing an action plan for the promotion of women's activities, and being excellent in indicators such as the ratio of female employees, status of continuous employment, working hours and other working styles, ratio of managers, and diverse career paths. There are four levels of certification, including Platinum Eruboshi, and Japan Radio Co., Ltd. has received the second level of certification (Eruboshi certification) as determined by the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare.

Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children-General Action Plan
To maintain an environment in which employees can display their abilities as well as balance their work and private lives, Nisshinbo Holdings Inc. and the Group’s other 23 companies* in Japan are formulating their next general action plans in accordance with the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children.
* Japan Radio Co., Ltd., Japan Radio Glass Co., Ltd., Nagano Japan Radio Co., Ltd., Ueda Japan Radio Co., Ltd., JRC Tokki Co., Ltd., JRC Engineering Co., Ltd., JRC System Services Co., Ltd., JRC Logistics Service Co., Ltd., Nagano Japan Radio Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Nagano Communications Sales Co., Ltd., NJ Components Co., Ltd., Asashina Nichimu Co., Ltd., Nisshinbo Micro Devices Inc., Nisshinbo Micro Devices AT Co., Ltd., Nisshinbo Micro Devices Fukuoka Co., Ltd., Nisshinbo Brake Inc., Nisshinbo Mechatronics Inc., Nanbu Plastics Co., Ltd., Kyushu Nanbu Plastics Co., Ltd., Nisshinbo Chemical Inc., Nisshinbo Textile Inc., Tokyo Shirts Co., Ltd., NISSHINTOA IWAO INC.
Kurumin Certification as a Childcare Support Company
Kurumin Certification is a system to certify companies that meet certain requirements, such as formulating and implementing action plans to help employees balance work and child care, as a company that supports child rearing, based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children. The Group’s other 3 companies* in Japan have been certified by the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare (Kurumin certification).
* Japan Radio Co., Ltd., Nagano Japan Radio Co., Ltd., Nagano Japan Radio Manufacturing Co., Ltd

Activities to Promote Diversity and Inclusion ~From Top Management to General Employees~
Since FY2021, the Nisshinbo Group has sponsored training sessions of "psychological safety" linking Diversity and Inclusion for group companies in Japan, targeting executives, managers, and general employees, with "the aim of understanding the concept and importance of psychological safety, which is the cornerstone of Diversity and Inclusion." In FY2023, the Nisshinbo Group is promoting penetration activities by conducting ongoing training using case studies; all employees of domestic group companies will complete the training by the end of 2024, and Nisshinbo Group will implement measures that will contribute to the creation of a psychologically safe organization.
Support for the Success of People with Disabilities
In the Fifth Sustainability Promotion Plan, as before the revision, the Group has set a target of employment rate of persons with disabilities (Ratio of achieving companies), 100% in Japan companies with 43.5 or more employees. In FY2023, all Japan group companies will have achieved the employment rate of persons with disabilities.
Support for the Success of Senior Employees
Nisshinbo Holdings Inc. has established a reemployment system for employees who have reached the mandatory retirement age of 60, which is called the Senior Employee System. From FY2024, Nisshinbo Holdings Inc. will introduce an evaluation system similar to that used for general employees, and provide appropriate feedback and reflect it in compensation as part of our efforts to provide a rewarding work environment.
As a measure to support the success of senior employees, the Nisshinbo Group has been conducting training for management-level employees with the aim of enabling them to think about and prepare for post-retirement working styles, and from FY2021, the training will be extended to general employees. In the training, participants learn about money planning, health, and careers in order to look at their careers and live energetically and actively even after retirement. Career training is conducted by instructors trained within the Group, and many people have participated in the training.
Specific Activities of the Group Companies
Improving The Work Environment for Women
Japan Radio Co., Ltd. believes that creating an environment in which women can make the most of their own abilities and experience and build a career while balancing work and family life will lead to a virtuous cycle in the workplace.
Japan Radio Co., Ltd. is working to improve the environment to make it easier to balance life and work by introducing a flextime system on a trial basis, telecommuting, and other systems that allow employees to choose where and when they work. The company also considered training programs for women who aspire to management positions and decided to participate in external training programs where many women from other companies gather. Japan Radio Co., Ltd. aims to create an environment where women can participate in external training to improve their own abilities and grow in a safe and comfortable manner through building an external network among women working for different companies.
Japan Radio Co., Ltd. will continue to make efforts through trial and error to create a workplace where employees with diverse perspectives and experiences can play a more active role, promote creativity and innovation, and enhance competitiveness.
Support for Senior Employees
Japan Radio Glass Co., Ltd. was one of the first companies in the group to introduce and operate a mandatory retirement age of 65. In April 2024, the company was certified as a Saitama Prefecture Senior Activity Promotion Declaration Company Plus because the upper age limit for continued employment is 70 years or older.
Most of the senior employees are active as part of the main members of the production team. In addition, one of the management issues at the company is to smoothly pass on the skills of master craftsmen from veteran technicians to younger technicians. Senior employees are entrusted with the important task of passing on traditional skills to future leaders.
Japan Radio Glass Co., Ltd. is also making efforts to create a work environment in which they can play an active role even after they become seniors. They are also a generation with increased health risks, and they contribute to the company production activities while ensuring safety in the workplace by eliminating steps and other measures. The presence of senior employees working actively in each workplace serves as a goal for younger employees and helps to revitalize the organization.

Provide Training on Women-specific Health-related Issues
Nisshinbo Micro Devices Inc., Nisshinbo Micro Devices AT Co., Ltd. and Nisshinbo Micro Devices Fukuoka Co., Ltd. conducted an e-learning course for managers and female employees based on Nisshinbo Micro Devices Inc.'s Healthy Company Declaration and the Health Management Strategy Map formulated for 2023.
The training was designed to help managers deepen their understanding of women's health issues specific to women, apply it to their subordinates' health considerations and work management, and to help female employees deepen their understanding of women's health issues specific to women and take appropriate actions. The video training program achieved a 100% participation rate with participants deepening their understanding of the significance of addressing women's health issues and women-specific health-related issues.
Nisshinbo Micro Devices Inc. is also working to provide support for self-checks by public health nurses for female employees using a breast cancer model during regular health checkups.

Expanding the Percentage of Women in Executive Positions
At Nisshinbo Mechatronics (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. female employees have taken on leadership roles in many workplaces, achieving results such as smooth business execution and kaizen (improvement).
In FY2023, one female manager and two female managers were appointed to managerial positions, bringing the total number of female managers to nine out of a total of 22 managers.
In the spirit of respect for human rights, the company introduced a personnel system that evaluates employees according to their achievements and abilities regardless of gender with the aim of creating a vibrant human group. The company also focuses on developing female leaders through different training programs, and the ratio of female executives, which was 25% 10 years ago in 2013, increased to 32% in 2018 and to 41% in 2023, close to the 44% of all office staff who are female .
Nisshinbo Mechatronics (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. will continue to actively work to create a workplace environment in which female employees can play an active role and develop next-generation executive candidates, as well as to foster a corporate culture in which all employees, including women, respect each other's diverse human rights.
Initiatives Related to Employment of People with Disabilities ~Telework Office Utilization~
Nanbu Plastics Co., Ltd. is making the following efforts to employ people with disabilities.
① Utilization of telework office
Nanbu Plastics Co., Ltd. employs people with disabilities who have the ability to perform their work but are unable to commute to the workplace due to their own disabilities or other circumstances, utilizing the Telework Office in front of Fujieda Ekimae. A full-time counselor called "Mimamori" is stationed in the office to support both the "company" and the "person with disabilities." This enables ensure smooth operations and stable employment through the combined efforts of the individual, the company, and the telework office. -
② Skill development of the person in charge
Activities are undertaken to improve the skills of those in charge and to promote understanding of the workplace, including exchange activities with other companies for mutual company tours as a forum for the exchange of information on problems and work cutouts by those in charge. -
③ Cooperation with external support organizations
When the company hires employees from special-needs schools and welfare facilities, Nanbu Plastics Co., Ltd. collaborates with job coaches and schools in each prefecture and holds a meeting for supporters three times a year after hiring. The individual and family members are also invited to attend the meetings and observe the actual worksite.
Nisshin Environmental Planning Inc. is also working to promote the employment of people with disabilities. Previously, the company was not accustomed to employing people with disabilities, and had difficulty in retaining them. To solve this problem, the company is utilizing the "Telework Office Fujieda Ekimae" (Shizuoka Prefecture), where full-time counselors called "Mimamori" are stationed to support both the company and persons with disabilities. A total of two persons with disabilities, one from 2021 and one from 2024, have demonstrated their abilities and success in telework work.
In addition, the company's head office (Tokyo) established a "Working Group to Consider Employment of People with Disabilities" to deepen understanding through support for people with disabilities and to "expand diversity" in the company. To date, five of the company's employees have worked to obtain certification as "vocational life counselors for persons with disabilities." By sharing the status of their supervision, they are working to establish a system that allows them to work with peace of mind.
The company will continue to seek to retain people with disabilities in its workforce.

Acceptance of Work Experience for Persons with Disabilities
Since 2020, the Nisshinbo Textile Inc. Osaka Branch has been participating in the Workplace Experience Matching Program for the Mentally and Developmentally Challenged organized by the Osaka prefectural government to provide work experience to people with disabilities.
During the work experience, the participants experience reception, shipping and receiving, and maintenance of tea machines. The work methods and procedures are adapted to the characteristics of each participant. Nisshinbo Textile Inc. also has manuals for all work duties, which are constantly being revised and updated with photos and ruby so that they can be used by many people with disabilities. In addition to providing a good opportunity for the host company to consider the various characteristics of disabilities, it is also a good stimulus for the people with disabilities working at the company
Furthermore, as support for the retention of people with disabilities, in addition to three-party interviews with support organizations, the company creates opportunities for communication by receiving reports on their physical condition when they arrive at the office. Although some communication is done by e-mail, Nisshinbo Textile Inc. tries to provide an opportunity to talk with them through paper reports.
Nisshinbo Textile Inc. will continue to improve the workplace environment and strengthen its efforts to expand the employment of people with disabilities and promote their retention in the workplace.
Promoting Employment of People with Disabilities
Since its establishment in 2010, the Nisshinbo Holdings Inc. Business Development Division has been actively promoting the employment of people with disabilities in cooperation with local employment and lifestyle support centers for people with disabilities, special needs schools, and Hello Work. The division also actively collaborates with other companies and local governments by providing advice to local companies and accepting tours of their business sites, thereby contributing to the creation of a society in which people with disabilities can play an active role.
The response to the characteristics of people with disabilities has led to retention in employment, with the Fujieda Plant, for example, maintaining an employment rate of around 14% for the last three years. A system has been established to share physical condition data between the individual and supervisors so that changes in physical condition can be quickly detected and utilized in work management. In addition, frequent opportunities for communication are provided to check on health and safety activities and work conditions, to share information on issues for improvement, and to develop implementation items. This initiative has led to universal work improvements beneficial to all, regardless of disability, and is utilized not only to promote the employment of people with disabilities but also to increase and improve work efficiency and safety measures throughout the workplace.