Activities for Environmental and Biodiversity Conservation

Basic Concept

The Nisshinbo Group's Business Conduct Guidelines include Awareness and Concern towards its environmental impact. The Group will deepen its awareness of biodiversity protection, promote biodiversity conservation activities, and faithfully realizes a safe and secure society for all people. The Group manages key performance indicators (KPIs) as part of systematic measures to achieve its environmental targets regarding strengthening of biodiversity conservation activities.

【Main measures】

  • ① Participation in biodiversity conservation activities (satochi-satoyama conservation, forest conservation, marine conservation, etc.) conducted in protected areas
  • ② Protection and conservation activities for threatened species
  • ③ Activities in collaboration with local communities, local governments, NPOs and NGOs, universities, local companies, supply chains, and other organizations
  • ④ Environmental beautification activities around the business sites

Please refer to "Promotion System" in "Environmental Management" for the promotion system.

Specific Initiatives of The Nisshinbo Group

Participating in the Japan Business and Biodiversity Partnership

Nisshinbo Holdings Inc. participates in the Japan Business and Biodiversity Partnership, a group that engages in activities to conserve biodiversity. The Partnership is composed of economic organizations, businesses, NGOs, and local governments.

The Nisshinbo Group’s activities to conserve biodiversity began in FY2015. As of the end of FY2023, activities were underway in 11 projects in Japan and 5 in other countries.

Specific Initiatives of The Nisshinbo Group

Endorsement of the "Keidanren Declaration on Biodiversity and Action Guidelines (Revised Version)"

The Nisshinbo Group has endorsed the Declaration of Biodiversity by Keidanren (revised edition).
Please refer to the URL below for details of the Keidanren Declaration of Biodiversity and Revised Action Guidelines. 別ウィンドウ表示

In 2018, Keidanren revised this declaration and action guidelines in response to major trends both at home and abroad, such as SDGs and the Post-Aichi Targets*. The revised declaration aims to "realize a sustainable society through the construction of a society in harmony with nature."

In addition, Keidanren released the Keidanren Declaration of Biodiversity Initiative. This report contains the names of companies and organizations (logo marks) that expressed their endorsement with the revised declaration and action guidelines and also introduces its Group.

Regarding the Keidanren Declaration of Biodiversity Initiative, please refer to the URL below. 別ウィンドウ表示

In 2009, the Nisshinbo Group endorsed the Keidanren Declaration of Biodiversity and Action Guidelines, established by the Keidanren, and after conducting surveys and educational programs, launched the Biodiversity Conservation Activities in 2015, expanding the scope of our Activities.

* Post-Aichi Biodiversity Targets: Global Biodiversity Targets for 2020 and beyond

Keidanren Declaration on Biodiversity
Keidanren Declaration on Biodiversity

Activities to Conserve Biodiversity

The Nisshinbo Group started biodiversity conservation activities in FY2015 and expanded the scope of activities by participating in biodiversity conservation activities (activities of satochi-satoyama conservation, forest conservation, and marine conservation) conducted in protected areas by protecting threatened species and conducting conservation activities in collaboration with regional and local governments, NGOs and NPOs, universities, local companies, and supply chain entities. Currently, Nisshinbo Group is engaged in biodiversity conservation activities at eleven business sites in Japan and five sites overseas.

11 activities in Japan

Company, Business Site Related Aichi Targets
Details of Preservation
Wildlife Being Protected
Japan Radio Co., Ltd.
Target 11: Preservation of important ecosystems


Feasibility study of marine plastic litter collection and monitoring function in collaboration with Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology
Wildlife being protected: Marine life in Tokyo Bay and the other waters around Japan
Collection and monitoring of marine plastic litter
Collection and monitoring of marine plastic litter
Nagano Japan Radio Co., Ltd.
Head Office & Factory
Target 5: Preservation of natural habitats


Afforestation and preservation of a forest near business sites, the "Forest of Nagano Japan Radio" (Matsushiro-cho, Nagano Prefecture, 0.4ha)
Wildlife being protected: Ecosystems and endemic species cultivated in Japanese larch forests (species to be protected not specified)
Afforestation and preservation activities
Afforestation and preservation activities
Ueda Japan Radio Co., Ltd.
Target 5: Preservation of natural habitats


Tree planting and conservation in SGEC* certified forests managed by the Josho Shinrin Ninsho Kyogikai (Nagano Prefecture)
Wildlife being protected: Ecosystems and endemic species cultivated in Japanese larch forests (species to be protected not specified)

* SGEC: Sustainable Green Ecosystem Council. The Sustainable Green Ecosystem Council is a general incorporated association that manages and operates a forest certification system to realize sustainable forest management in Japan.

Afforestation and preservation activities
Afforestation and preservation activities
Nisshinbo Micro Device Inc.
Head Office and Kawagoe Works

Japan Radio Glass Co., Ltd.
Head Office Plant
Target 11: Preservation of important ecosystems


Preservation of the Shingashigawa River waterfront environment near business sites (Fujimino, Saitama Prefecture)
Wildlife being protected: Flora and fauna near the Shingashigawa River (species to be protected not specified)
Waterside environmental conservation activities
Waterside environmental conservation activities
Nisshinbo Micro Devices AT Co., Ltd.
Target 5: Preservation of natural habitats


Efforts to restore Kashibaru Marsh vegetation around the middle of the Showa period
Wildlife being protected: Flora and fauna inhabiting Kashibaru Marsh
Environmental conservation activities in marshlands
Environmental conservation activities in marshlands
Nisshinbo Brake Inc.
Tatebayashi Plant
Target 12: Preservation of endangered species


Preservation activities at the Nakanonuma Nishinuma swamp in Ora-machi, Ora-gun, Gunma Prefecture
Wildlife being protected: Carassius auratus subsp.2 (Ministry of the Environment: Threatened category II), etc.
Extermination of alien species
Extermination of alien species
Nisshinbo Mechatronics Inc.
Miai Machinery Plant

NJ Components Co., Ltd.
Okazaki Plant
Target 11: Preservation of important ecosystems


Habitat creation for dragonfly varieties at the on-premises Masuda Park
Wildlife being protected: Dragonflies (anticipated arrival and breeding of the Asian Bluetail, the lessor emperor and other dragonflies)
mExtermination of alien water lilies
Extermination of alien water lilies
Nisshinbo Precision Instrument & Machinery Hiroshima Corp.
Target 14: Activities to create good water resources and water environment


Preservation of the mountain and water environment, including forests, streams, and ponds, and cultivation in Ikoinomori Park (Mt. Ryuoh, Higashihiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture)
Wildlife being protected: Ecosystems and endemic species cultivated in the Forest of Rest and Mt. Ryuoh (species to be protected not specified)
Scene of the forest conservation activities
Scene of the forest conservation activities
Nisshinbo Holdings Inc.
R&D Center

Nisshinbo Chemical Inc.
Toke Development Center
Target 12: Preservation of endangered species


Surveys, protection and propagation of valuable species living in the surrounding forest (Onodai, Midori-ku, Chiba)
Wildlife being protected: Cephalanthera falcata (Thunb.) Blume (Ministry of the Environment: Threatened category II)
Protection of Cephalanthera falcata (Thunb.) Blume
Protection of Cephalanthera falcata (Thunb.) Blume
Nisshinbo Textile Inc.
Fujieda Plant
Target 12: Preservation of endangered specie


Preservation of water quality at a pond on the plant site
Wildlife being protected: Japanese rice fish (Ministry of the Environment: Threatened category II)
Pond for preserving Japanese rice fish
Pond for preserving Japanese rice fish
Nisshinbo Textile Inc. and
Nisshinbo Holdings Inc. and
Nisshinbo Chemical Inc.
Tokushima Plant

Nisshinbo Textile Inc.
Yoshinogawa Plant
Target 12: Preservation of endangered species


Propagation of fish fry donated by Tokushima Prefecture in fire protection water tanks and release into the river several years later
Wildlife being protected: The golden venus chub (Tokushima Prefecture: Threatened category IA; Ministry of the Environment: Threatened category IB)
The golden venus chub
The golden venus chub

5 Overseas Activities

Company, Business Site Related Aichi Targets
Details of Preservation
Wildlife Being Protected
Shenzhen NJRC Technology Co., Ltd.
Target 12: Preservation of endangered species


Environmental conservation activities at business sites
Wildlife being protected: Cyathea spinulosa (Japanese name: Hego) (China's secondary priority protection level)
Tree planting and conservation activities
Tree planting and conservation activities
Nisshinbo Micro Devices (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (Thailand)
Target 11: Preservation of important ecosystems


Tree planting and dam making in forest areas upstream of the Khun Nam Rive
Wildlife being protected: Animals and plants around the Khun Nam River (Wildlife Being Protected not specified)
Building a weir
Building a weir
Nisshinbo Somboon Automotive Co., Ltd.(Thailand)
Target 11: Preservation of important ecosystems


Mangrove plantations in the Plase Basin, Rayong Prefecture, Activities
Wildlife being protected: Conservation of the ecosystem of crabs, shrimps, shellfish, etc. that inhabit mangroves
Mangrove reforestation activities
Mangrove reforestation activities
Nanbu Philippines Incorporated (Philippines)
Target 11: Preservation of important ecosystems


Cleaning the Maalimango River Activities to Protect Lives' Habitats
Wildlife being protected: Animals and plants around the Maalimango River (Wildlife Being Protected has not been identified)
Cleanup activities
Cleanup activities
PT. Nikawa Textile Industry (Indonesia)
Target 12: Preservation of endangered species


Environmental conservation activities at business sites
Wildlife being protected: Cycas Javana (Indonesian endangered species EN)
Tree planting and conservation activities
Tree planting and conservation activities

Specific Activities of the Group Companies

Participation in the Nigiyakana Mori Project

Ueda Japan Radio Co., Ltd. signed an agreement with the Josho Shinrin Ninsho Kyogikai and the Ueda Regional Promotion Bureau to participate in the Nigiyakana Mori Project as an activity to contribute to global environmental conservation. The project aims to create a forest good for the earth, bustling with creatures and people in the Ueda area with the government and the company by conducting forest maintenance, research on forestry issues of biodiversity and CO2 absorption, exchange activities, and information dissemination.

In May 2023, the UE Mori 2023 - Ueda Region Nigiyakana Mori Zukuri (Lively Forest Planting) Gathering was held, and 17 employees from the company participated out of a total of 190 participants. After receiving instructions on how to plant trees, the participants planted 2,300 larch saplings. Participants commented that they were glad to be able to plant trees in a very relaxing environment in a lush green forest while listening to birds chirping. Participating in the event was a good and meaningful experience of feeling the appreciation of nature that will lead to global environmental preservation, including biodiversity and prevention of global warming.

The company will continue to support the creation of rich forests and contribute to the conservation of biodiversity.

Planting larch saplings
Planting larch saplings
Participants in the activity
Participants in the activity

Conservation Activities of the Original Species of Thoroughwort

The Nisshinbo Micro Devices Inc. Yashiro plant has been carrying out conservation activities for the original species of thoroughwort within the plant as its contribution to biodiversity preservation. The company received seedlings of the original species of thoroughwort, which has been decreasing in number and is in danger of extinction due to riverbank revetment and levee maintenance, and is working to maintain the original species by planting more thoroughwort on the site of the plant. In addition to collecting thoroughwort seeds, personnel also try their hand at making potpourri (fragrance bags), which are made by drying harvested leaves in the shade.

As a side effect of this activity, the company hoped to protect the breeding environment of the chestnut tiger (a traveling butterfly). Unfortunately, the company was unable to confirm the arrival of the chestnut tiger in FY2023 because the flowers were in full bloom from mid-November to early December, instead of the typical blooming period from August to September.

The company will continue to carry out conservation activities for the original species of thoroughwort in the future.


Shingashigawa River Beautification Cleanup Activities

The Nisshinbo Micro Devices Inc. Kawagoe plant and Japan Radio Glass Co., Ltd. participated in the Shingashigawa River cleanup activities.

The main member of the Shingashigawa River cleanup activity is the volunteer Flower and Greenery Group, which was established by the Fujimino City Environmental Basic Plan in 2008. The activity is organized by Fujimino City, Kawagoe City, and the Kawagoe Prefectural Land Development Office to contribute to the protection of endangered species (Japanese freshwater crab) by cleaning up and planting trees. The first cleanup activity was held in April 2009 and has continued for more than 10 years. After being canceled in the most recent years due to the COVID-19 disaster, the event was held in November 2023 for the first time in two years and was attended by approximately 100 people, including organizations and individuals from outside the company.

Eleven employees from the Nisshinbo Micro Devices Inc. Kawagoe plant and ten people from Japan Radio Glass Co., Ltd. including employee's families, participated in this activity. The day was blessed with fine weather, and under a clear blue sky and a refreshing river breeze, they picked up discarded items (broken umbrellas, PET bottles, empty bottles and cans) around the riverbed and collected them separately. On the way to the cleanup, participants looked at the seedlings of wildflowers planted in past activities and could see trees, grass, and insects swaying in the wind, making this a meaningful activity that brought everyone in touch with nature.

Participants in the Shingashigawa River cleanup activities
Participants in the Shingashigawa River cleanup activities
Separate collection of dumped materials
Separate collection of dumped materials

Participation in the Inagawa River Clean Operation

The Nisshinbo Micro Devices Inc. Ikeda plant participated in the Inagawa River Clean Operation in February 2023 as part of local ecosystem conservation activities.

The Inagawa River runs through the neighborhood of the plant site and is located on the border between Osaka and Hyogo prefectures. In the Inagawa River Clean Operation, a total of 1,450 people, including 43 organizations and companies, as well as the general public, cleaned up 18 locations in the river basin from upstream to downstream in an effort to preserve the local ecosystem. This is usually done in February because the summer grass grows thick and trash on the ground cannot be found. This year's event was the 20th since the first one in 2004.

On the day of the event, the company's employees and their families participated in picking up trash at Inagawa River Athletic Park. In recent years, the problem of marine plastics has been widely discussed, and the employees were able to pick up a large amount of plastic trash, which was thought to have been degraded by ultraviolet rays. Nisshinbo Micro Device Inc. employees recognized once again that the problem was caused by these items being washed into the ocean.

Participants in the Inagawa River Clean Operation
Participants in the Inagawa River Clean Operation

Contributing to the Local Community by Cleaning Up Around the Business Sites

Nisshinbo Micro Devices Fukuoka Co., Ltd. is located approximately 700 meters south of JR Imajuku Station with an elementary school, residential area, and roads in the vicinity of the business sites. The company's predecessor, NJR Fukuoka Co., Ltd. used to go down to the irrigation canal in front of Imajuku Elementary School to clean up the area. Since road renovation (canal filling and sidewalk expansion), cleanup activities around the roads around the company are planned three times a year.

In FY2023, managers and employees who work the day shift actively participated in cleanup activities on the sidewalks on the west and south sides of the company and the surrounding area in March (40 employees), May (64 employees), and October (61 employees). Since the sidewalks to be cleaned also serve as paths for elementary school students going to school, the company is careful not to overlook cigarette butts and other harmful or dangerous objects as part of the cleaning activities.

The company will continue to systematically implement these activities while encouraging employees to participate in community contribution activities.

Cleanup activities around business sites
Cleanup activities around business sites
Cleanup activities around business sites
Cleanup activities around business sites

Environmental Conservation Activities in Kashibaru Marshland

In November 2023, Nisshinbo Micro Devices AT Co., Ltd. raked up fallen leaves and made sandbags to reinforce slopes that had collapsed from heavy rainfall as an environmental conservation activity in the marshland.

Kashibaru Marshland is located 590 m above sea level in the central part of Saga Prefecture and is one of the best natural environments in Kyushu with many rare and highly threatened plants and animals. However, the surrounding forests were last logged in the 1950s, and the growing forests have revealed the following problems in preserving the wetlands:

  • ・ Leaves and branches accumulate in the wetlands making it impossible for smaller plants to grow
  • ・ Excess nutrients from accumulated litter flow into wetlands upsetting the marsh balance

This was the seventh year for the marshland's environmental conservation activities, which began in 2017, and a total of 87 people participated, including employees, their families, and participants from a local junior volleyball team that practices at the company's gymnasium. The day was warm and sunny, and participants worked up a nice sweat.

The company will continue its environmental conservation activities to protect this valuable ecosystem.

Environmental conservation activities in the marshlands
Environmental conservation activities in the marshlands
Participants in the activity
Participants in the activity

Activities to Reduce the Impact of Forest Fires on Ecosystems

In February 2023, 31 employees of Nisshinbo Micro Devices (Thailand) Co., Ltd. participated in an environmental conservation activity organized by the Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT).

The company worked with government officials and forestry officials to develop fire prevention and management measures in the Makua Chea sub-district of the Khun Nam watershed forest area and in the Mueang Lamphun District of Lamphun Province. Widespread forest fires are very dangerous to the animals that inhabit the area. In addition to the destruction of the ecological environment, forest fires caused by wildfires are common in northern Thailand, leading to a PM2.5 problem.

In recent years, the subject area has exceeded the Biological Impact Standards of the Pollution Control Department of the Thai Government and is now a designated area of the National Parks and Animal Health Department for remediation.

Participation in environmental preservation activities this time helped to strengthen the ecosystem. It was also an effort to raise employee awareness of environmental conservation.

Forest fire prevention activities
Forest fire prevention activities
Participants in the activity
Participants in the activity

Mangrove Reforestation Activities

Nisshinbo Somboon Automotive Co., Ltd. in Thailand has been participating in mangrove reforestation activities continuously since 2018. In 2023, the company carried out reforestation activities at Namdaeng Beach in Rayong Province.

Mangroves are a general term for plants that grow in brackish intertidal zones, such as estuaries, in tropical and subtropical regions. Many mangroves have respiratory roots, and Hirgitaceae, such as R. mucronata and R. apiculate, grow in Thailand. Mangrove forests, like other forests, not only absorb carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, but their dense respiratory roots block the flow of rivers and tides, leading to the deposition of nutrient-rich organic matter, which in turn creates a unique and diverse ecosystem on which to build.

Mangrove Plantation
Mangrove Plantation
With Mangrove saplings
With Mangrove saplings

Environmental Beautification Activities Around the Plant

Saeron Automotive Corporation in South Korea has been conducting environmental beautification activities around the plant on a regular basis (once a month) since 2008 in order to preserve the environment while contributing to the local community.

As an event in which employees regardless of job class participate, in 2023, 110 employees, including managers, used cleaning tools to pick up trash and cleaned the roads (farm roads) together with neighborhood residents. Because of the spread of the COVID-19, activities were suspended for a while from 2020 to the first half of 2022, but since then, environmental beautification activities have been actively carried out.

The employees gave positive feedback, such as, "I was able to feel a sense of ownership of the company," and "I was able to reaffirm the importance of environmental beautification." In addition, the company will continue to contribute to the local community and environment by weeding around roads not owned by the company twice a year to ensure a clear view for passing vehicles.

Environmental beautification activities
Environmental beautification activities
Environmental beautification activities
Environmental beautification activities

Volunteer Activities for Biodiversity Conservation in Yushan National Forest Park

Since 2014, Nisshinbo Saeron (Changshu) Automotive Co., Ltd. has conducted annual volunteer activities to contribute to the local community. In FY2023, 87 of the company's employees participated in cleaning the area around a mountain (Yushan) trail in the community. This activity has become a hands-on activity to raise employee awareness of environmental protection.

Yushan is the richest biodiversity area in Changshu City. Yushan National Forest Park is a major area for forest bird activity, and the forest birds that winter here every year from October to January of the following year are particularly fond of this resource-rich area of Yushan.

According to the Red List of Chinese Species and the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, there are 56 rare and endangered species in Changshu City, including 3 extremely threatened (CR), 10 endangered (EN), 21 vulnerable (VU), and 22 near threatened (NT) species. Analyzed by distribution area, mountain forest areas like Yushan National Forest Park and wetlands in the mountain forest areas are distribution areas where endangered species are concentrated, accounting for more than 70% of the total number of endangered species in Changshu City.

Therefore, this activity not only contributes to the environment but also preserves animal habitats and protects biodiversity.

Cleaning around the trail
Cleaning around the trail
Volunteers who participated in biodiversity conservation volunteer activities
Volunteers who participated in biodiversity conservation volunteer activities

Participation in "Mountain Groundwork"

In October and December 2023, Nisshinbo Precision Instrument & Machinery Hiroshima Corporation participated in the Mountain Groundwork organized by the Saijo Mountain and Water Environment Organization. The group started with a small number of about 10 people, but the company aims to expand the number of participants in the future.

Ryuouzan in Higashihiroshima City is the home of Saijo's famous water, which moistens rice paddies and serves as brewing water for sake. The Saijo Mountain and Water Environment Organization is working to preserve the water that has nurtured the culture and industry of Higashihiroshima City and to hand over its beautiful hometown to the next generation by maintaining (caring for) Ryuouzan and making woodchips and compost from cleared wood. A diverse group of members ranging from local elementary school students to university students, businesses, and Higashi-Hiroshima City employees gather for the mountain groundwork about four times a year.

In the Mountain Groundwork Project this time, employees were divided into groups and worked under the guidance of a leader to cut down and put together a two-meter-thick thicket of trees. The work required physical strength and perseverance as the participants proceeded to cut down trees on the slopes, but the employees were able to see the mountain grow even more as sunlight began to shine into the areas that had been groomed. The participants also felt a sense of accomplishment from the sore muscles felt after the work was done since they had to be careful not to slip and fall. The employees will continue their environmental conservation activities with the aim of expanding the number of participants.

Tree thinning operation
Tree thinning operation
Participants in the 'Mountain Groundwork'
Participants in the "Mountain Groundwork"

Breeding and Conservation Activities for Endangered Species

As part of its biodiversity efforts, Nisshinbo Textile Inc. is promoting conservation activities for endangered species, Japanese rice fish, and golden venus chub at its Tokushima, Yoshinogawa, and Fujieda plants.

In 2017, the Tokushima plant signed an agreement with Tokushima Prefecture and was given 200 Naruto golden venus chub, which it began rearing using fireproof tanks; by FY2023, the plant had successfully propagated the fish to 1,630. Meanwhile, the Yoshinogawa plant signed an agreement with Tokushima Prefecture in 2020, and 30 golden venus chub were transferred from the Tokushima plant. The Yoshinogawa plant successfully propagated up to 350 fish while interacting with high school students in the prefecture who were engaged in similar activities and learning breeding methods. The Fujieda plant also received 150 endangered Japanese rice fish from a neighboring company and successfully propagated them to about 1,200 by breeding them in an aquarium.

Nisshinbo Textile Inc. will continue these activities and strive to contribute to the conservation of other endangered species.

Golden venus chub
Golden venus chub
Japanese rice fish
Japanese rice fish

Conservation Activities for the Endangered Cycas Javana

PT. Nikawa Textile Industry in Indonesia started conservation efforts in 2019 by planting Cycas javana in the green area next to the factory office. Cycas javana is an endangered species listed as ENDANGERED: High risk of extinction in the wild on the IUCN Red List.

This activity faced many difficulties, such as obtaining and appraising endangered species and finding a way to grow them. Despite these difficulties, Japanese expatriates and local staff worked together to carefully nurture the Cycas javana and have been able to continue conservation activities to this day. Looking at the photos taken when the trees were planted, the grass was less than 1 meter tall, but now the grass has grown into a magnificent figure of nearly 2 meters with many large, lush leaves.

The company will continue its efforts to conserve endangered species in Indonesia, a green country with a wide variety of flora and fauna.

Cycas Javana
Cycas Javana
Cycas Javana at the time of planting in 2019
Cycas Javana at the time of planting in 2019

Participation in the Biodiversity Chiba Company Network

The Nisshinbo Chemical Inc. Toke Development Center has been a member of the Biodiversity Chiba Company Network since 2015.

The Biodiversity Chiba Company Network was established with the aim of contributing to the mainstreaming of biodiversity, especially through corporate initiatives on biodiversity in collaboration with Chiba Prefecture and the local community. Currently there are 26 participating companies and 11 support organizations. The relationship with the Network began with consultations on conservation activities for a Cephalanthera falcata that was discovered on the grounds of the Toke Development Center and later with participation in a public call for the sale of Japanese white pine.

In 2023, the company participated in a field trip involving Acheilognathus typus and Copera annulata conservation activities being undertaken by the NEC Corporation Abiko plant, a company participating in the network. During the site visit, the staff explained the activities for the management of the natural swamp on the property, installation of a biotope, and extermination of invasive alien species.

Explanation by staff at the NEC Corporation Abiko plant site swamp
Explanation by staff at the NEC Corporation Abiko plant site swamp