Nisshinbo strives to provide shareholders and investors with the timely disclosure of information affecting investment decisions in accordance with relevant laws and the Tokyo Stock Exchange's (TSE) Regulations for Timely Disclosure by Issuers of Listed Marketable Securities (Regulations for Timely Disclosure/Timely Disclosure Rules).
On February 1, 2004, a revision was made to Article 30 of Securities & Exchange Law Enforcement Order (12-Hour Rule), which is an essential supplementary measure for public disclosure under insider trading restrictions. Along with this revision, measures for publicly disclosing information under insider trading restrictions are considered fulfilled when information subject to timely information disclosure is posted on timely information disclosure services on websites operated by securities exchanges.
After being publicly released on TDnet—the Timely Disclosure Network system provided by TSE—information covered by timely disclosure regulations will be promptly posted on this website. In the event that important information is not listed on TDnet but instead is disclosed directly to two or more press organizations, the information will be listed on this website after the elapse of 12 hours.
To ensure fair disclosure of information, after publicly releasing information, we make efforts to post this information on this website as quickly as possible. Nevertheless, the posting of information could be delayed due to information and communication technology-related failure or other factors. Therefore, the information disclosed on this website is intended as supplementary information.
Moreover, there are instances in which this website does not contain all information disclosed by the Company. Additionally, there are instances in which information contained on this website is expressed differently than the same information disclosed via other methods. Thus, we request that you sufficiently understand the aforementioned factors when referring to this website.
To prevent the leaking of financial results information and to ensure fairness, we have established a blackout period that begins from the day following the account settlement date up to the financial results announcement date. Please note that during this blackout period, we refrain from making any comments or answering inquiries about our financial results. However, in the event that actual financial results are expected to differ significantly from previously announced results forecasts, we will make an appropriate announcement through a press release during the blackout period.
In dealing with institutional investors, analysts and other parties, Nisshinbo only refers to information limited to previously announced facts, widely known facts or the general business environment. Additionally, the Company does not endorse any third party comments about or forecasts of financial results for the Company.
When searching this website for information about Nisshinbo, the user agrees to refer to these IR policies as well as to a separately posted disclaimer.