FAQ for Individual Investors

Q1What is Nisshinbo's stock code number?


Our stock code number is 3105.

Q2How many shares make up one trading unit?


One trading unit consists of 100 shares.

Q3What are the shareholder confirmation dates for the payment of dividends?


The dates are December 31 for year-end dividends and June 30 for interim dividends.
Note: In 176th fiscal year, the dates are September 30 for interim dividends.

Q4When are dividends paid?


We plan to pay year-end dividends at the beginning of March and interim dividends at the beginning of September.
Note: In 176th fiscal year, we plan to pay interim dividands at the beginning of December.

Q5When is the general shareholders' meeting held?


The general shareholders' meeting is held annually in Tokyo at the end of March. (We post the notice to convene on this website.)

Q6Who is the transfer agent?


The transfer agent is Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation.

Q7Who should I contact for inquiries about various stock procedures? (change of address, changes related to remittances, loss of stock certificates, etc.)


Please refer to the website of Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation. You can request forms for various procedures via their website. Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation's "Stock-related ProceduresNew window will be opened." page

Q8What is the date of your settlement of accounts?


Our full-year settlement date is December 31 and the interim-term settlement date is June 30.
Note: In 176th fiscal year, the interim-term settlement date is September 30.

Q9What types of reference materials are available for learning about Nisshinbo's financial results?


Our most recent integrated report is available on this website. This integrated report is available in PDF format. To view this report, you will need to download Adobe Systems' Acrobat Reader.